Azure Enable Fips Mode
To help comply with Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 140-2, RHEL-based operating systems such as CentOS 7 come with a "FIPS mode". Once enabled, cryptographic modules such as OpenSSH server operate with a configuration that complies with FIPS 140-2. This article walks you through enabling FIPS mode for SFTP Gateway.
Enabling FIPS mode on SFTP Gateway
To enable FIPS mode on your CentOS 7 SFTP Gateway server:
SSH in to the SFTP Gateway server with the Linux admin user
Update the OS packages:
sudo yum update -y
Install and enable the FIPS module:
sudo yum install -y dracut-fips sudo dracut -f
Enable FIPS mode by adding kernel argument:
sudo /usr/sbin/grubby --update-kernel=ALL --args="fips=1"
Reboot the OS:
sudo reboot
Verify FIPS Mode is Enabled
To verify that FIPS mode is enabled on you CentOS 7 SFTP Gateway server
At the operating system level, run the command:
sysctl crypto.fips_enabled
The output should read:
crypto.fips_enabled = 1
Check the OpenSSL version:
openssl version
For example, the output may be “OpenSSL 1.0.2k-fips”.
To further verify that OpenSSL is configured correctly, attempting to execute OpenSSL with a non-FIPS validated algorithm such as Secure Hashing Algorithm (SHA). This should result in an error stating “Disabled for FIPS”.
openssl sha
Example output of this command:
139769536427936:error:060800A3:digital envelope routines:EVP_DigestInit_ex:disabled for fips:digest.c:256:
To verify the OpenSSH server is using the intended FIPS mode:
ssh localhost 2 | grep FIPS
The output should read:
FIPS mode initialized