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Version: 1.0.1

Add & Configure Users

Users Overview

Users in StorageLink can be separated into two categories:

  • Admin User
  • Web User

user overview

Admin Users are administrative users who create Folders, Users & Settings within the Web Admin Interface. They are able to access the entire FileSystem from the Folders tab and able to provision new Folder mappings to S3 Buckets, Azure Blob Storage Accounts & Google Cloud Buckets.

Web Users are regular users who are chrooted to a specific location on the filesystem, and are unable to access folders & files outside of their root folder. Web Users are configured with Password authentication and their permissions are configurable.

Home Folder Permissions

The four configurable Web User permissions are List Files, Upload, Download and Overwrite/Delete.


These permissions are configurable on a per-user basis & can also be modified on specific folders, if there's a directory you don't want accessed by a particular user.

Home Folders

By default, Web Users Home Folder are set to /users/<username>, so a user named Bryce would have a Home Folder of:


However, the Home Folder can also be changed to point to an already existing directory or to create a New Folder by specifying a unique Home Folder name. When creating a new folder, the Cloud Connection will be set to Inherit, which just means it is subfolder under the parent directory.

Some valuable information shown under an Inherited Cloud Connection are:

  • Inherited Cloud Connection From Path: This is the folder path you're inheriting from. Since our New Folder is a subfolder under the root directory, it is inheriting from the root folder /.

  • Cloud Provider: The Cloud Provider you're connecting to, can be aws, azure or gcp.

  • Resolved Cloud Connection: The Cloud Path in Cloud Storage you're connecting to. Will Show the Bucket or Container name & Folder path this user is connecting to.

new folder

Cloud Connections

Instead of using an Inherited connection, you may want to point your user towards a specific cloud storage location. Under Cloud Connections, you have the option of mapping your user to S3, Blob Storage or Google Cloud Storage.


For more Information about Cloud Connections, check out this documentation.