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HA Deployment with Google Deployment Manager


You can launch an HA configuration of StorageLink using a yaml configuration file. High-availability requires additional resource types like a database, load balancer, and autoscaler. The Google Deployment Manager coordinates the provisioning of these resources.

These instructions are for provisioning StorageLink version 1.1.1.


  1. Enable Cloud Storage Admin Api
  2. Enable Cloud Resource Manager Api
  3. Create a Peered Service Network for the default VPC by following the steps at:
  4. Grant the Google APIs Service Agent the Editor & Security Admin roles.

In the Google Cloud Console, you should see the Cloud Shell icon at the top of your screen, to the right of the search bar. Click this to open up the command line console.

Command line interface

Deployment Procedure

  1. Create a yaml configuration file (config.yaml) with the command:
touch config.yaml
  1. Then use your favorite command line text editor to edit the file:
nano config.yaml
  1. Paste this into the config.yaml file and change the first ( adminSourceRanges property to your own IP address. Keep the IP address as this is a Google address and allows you to SSH via the Google console. You only need to configure the properties since we're referencing a script to create the resources such as the database and load balancer for example.
- name: solution
type: gs://swiftgateway-public-scripts/deploy/v1.1.1/solution.jinja
isHighlyAvailable: True
region: us-east1

The solution uses sensible defaults to configure the architecture. The adminSourceRanges property is required for accessing the admin console and expects a comma-separated list of CIDR addresses from which you'd like to access the admin UI.

Optional properties include:

  • isHighlyAvailable (Default: False) If set to True, High Availability will create a managed database service, autoscaler, and load balancer. StorageLink instances are spread to different zones within a region, allowing it to automatically recover if a zone fails. Since we want High Availability you want this set to True.
  • adminUsername (Default: admin)
  • zone (Default: us-east1-c)
  • machineType (Default: e2-medium)
  • network (Default: default)
  1. Run this command to deploy the solution, replacing 'storagelink-deployment-name' with your desired deployment name:
gcloud deployment-manager deployments create storagelink-deployment-name --config config.yaml
  1. Once the deployment has succeeded, run this command to generate the deployments output such as the admin credentials and external ip address. Make sure you're replacing 'storagelink-deployment-name' with the name you used in the previous command:
gcloud deployment-manager manifests describe --deployment storagelink-deployment-name --format json | python -c "import sys, json; print(json.load(sys.stdin)['layout'])"

Note: You can also find the outputs by going to the Deployment Manager service and viewing the Layout of your deployment.

  1. Note the "finalValue" for outputs named vmExternalIp, adminUsername, and adminPassword as you will need these to access the Storagelink admin console. For example, the output of the previous step could look like:
- name: solution
- finalValue: storagelink-deployment-name
name: deployment
value: storagelink-deployment-name
- finalValue: sftp-gateway
name: project
value: sftp-gateway
- finalValue:
name: vmExternalIP
value: $(ref.solution-vm-tmpl.ip)
- finalValue: '942030955628191395'
name: vmId
value: $(
- finalValue:
name: vmInternalIP
value: $(ref.solution-vm-tmpl.internalIP)
- finalValue: admin
name: adminUsername
value: admin
- finalValue: KyT+xjn1inoo
name: adminPassword
value: $(ref.generated-password-admin.password)
adminUsername: admin
bootDiskSizeGb: 20

In this example you will see that the vmExternalIP is, adminUsername is admin, and adminPassword is KyT+xjn1inoo.

In your browser, navigate to the vmExternalIp. Then use the adminUsername and adminPassword values from your deployment to log into StorageLink.

You now have access to add Web Users and do further configuration in the StorageLink admin console.

Access the VM via SSH

In the Google console, go to your VM and under the details tab, go to SSH -> Open in browser window