Password Reset Issue
With SFTP Gateway 2.001.x, there is an issue with resetting passwords for SFTP users.
When you update the password for one SFTP user, it breaks the password functionality for other SFTP users.
We are working toward fixing this issue. But in the meantime, there is a workaround described in the remainder of this article.
What is causing the issue
SFTP Gateway lets you turn on password authentication on a per-user basis.
Behind the scenes, these SFTP users (with passwords enabled) are added to
a special group in LDAP called passwordenabled
If you add a bunch of users (user1
, user2
, user3
), each of these users
gets added to the passwordenabled
However, the moment you update the password (say, for user1
), all the
other users are kicked out of the passwordenabled
group. This is
because of a bug in our code that sets the group membership to a
single user (overwriting the existing array).
Create a bash script
In the meantime, there is a script that you can run.
First, create the script:
sudo su
touch /usr/local/bin/
Second, make this script executable:
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/
Third, set the contents of this script to the following code:
ldappassword=$(sudo grep ldap.password /opt/sftpgw/ | cut -d"=" -f2)
SFTP_USERS=$( get-users --query 'users[].username' --output text)
ldapmodify -D "cn=admin" -w ${ldappassword} <<HERE
dn: cn=passwordenabled,ou=Groups,dc=sftpgateway,dc=com
changetype: modify
add: memberUid
memberUid: ${SFTP_USER}
This is what the script is doing:
- The LDAP password in
is assigned to a variable - You get all the SFTP users, and assign them to an array
- For each SFTP user, you add the property
memberUid: <username>
to thepasswordenabled
Running the script
Finally, run the script:
To test whether it's working, run the following commands:
ldappassword=$(sudo grep ldap.password /opt/sftpgw/ | cut -d"=" -f2)
ldapsearch -D cn=admin -w ${ldappassword} -b cn=passwordenabled,ou=Groups,dc=sftpgateway,dc=com
If all is well, you should see a memberUid entry for each of your SFTP users:
# passwordenabled, Groups,
dn: cn=passwordenabled,ou=Groups,dc=sftpgateway,dc=com
memberUid: user1
memberUid: user2
memberUid: user3