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Version: 1.1.1

Finding Files in Cloud Storage


This article goes over how to find the files and folders you've uploaded to Cloud Storage (AWS S3, Azure Blob Storage, Google Cloud Storage).

Step 1

In the Web Admin Interface, edit the folder you're uploading data to, and you will see one of two views. The first view is when your folder is pointing directly to an S3 Bucket.

bucket name

The second view is when the folder is inheriting it's connection, meaning it is a subdirectory to a folder that points directly to an S3 Bucket.

resolved path

After determining the S3 Bucket and path, the next step would be navigating to the bucket in S3.

Step 2

When you are in the AWS console, use the top search bar and look for S3.


Click into the S3 service and search for your bucket name.

Step 3

Click on your bucket and you will see your files and folders inside.

bucket view