SFTP Gateway 2.0 Release Notes
Note: This page applies to SFTP Gateway version 2.x. Visit Here for documentation on version 3.x.
Version 2.001.05
- Security update for Python3
- CloudFormation template allows UDP egress traffic on the EC2 Security Group (for those who use a DNS server)
- CloudFormation template encrypts EBS volumes by default
Version 2.001.03
- Fixes an issue where resetting a user's password prevents other users from logging in using password authentication.
- Fixes an issue where the multi-instance CloudFormation templates were not properly wiring up the disk size parameter.
- Fixes an issue where the multi-instance CloudFormation templates were using incorrect health check ports.
- Changes the default user folder scan frequency from every minute to every 5 minutes. This is to improve the performance and stability of servers with many SFTP users.
- Adds a
configuration to clear out temp files that could fill up disk space over time.
Version 2.001.00
- Uses Amazon Linux 2 instead of Amazon Linux
- You can now use the web admin page to manage password authentication, in addition to SSH key auth.
- Default folders (uploads and local) can now be disabled on a per-user basis.
- You can set an expiration date on an SFTP user's account
- Fixes an issue where files were being uploaded to S3 prematurely, when installing vsftp and using the FTP/S protocol.
- Fixes the private key format getting corrupted when downloading it via the Safari browser
- Fixes an issue where the self-signed certificate error cannot be bypassed when using MacOS Catalina
Version 2.000.00
- Admin web interface for user management
- High availability using a network load balancer and autoscaling group
- EFS mount for file synchronization and scalability
- User synchronization with LDAP
- SFTP audit logging to CloudWatch
- API for scripting user provisioning