Multiple SSH keys for a single SFTP user
SFTP Gateway users are not limited to a single key pair for authentication. A user account can hold many public keys, both previously existing and newly generated within the application.
Video Reference
Adding a Key
An SSH Key can be added on either user create or update. Press Add SSH Key to open the modal window.
Fig 1
Both Key Name and SSH Public Key are required. If you have a previously generated public key, you may paste it into the provided text box or press Upload Public Key.
Fig 2
If a new key pair is needed, select your desired bit count and press Generate SSH Key Pair. It will generate a name, public key, and private key. The name and public key will be pasted into their respective text boxes, while the private key will be downloaded to your local machine.
Fig 3
Press Add, and the key will be added as a row to the user page. If this is a new user, it will not save until the user is saved. Otherwise, the database will update immediately.
Fig 4
A row can be edited by hitting the pencil button under Actions, but the key value cannot be changed. Only the key name and enabled/disabled.
Fig 5
This process can be repeated as many times as desired.
Fig 6