Installing a self-signed SSL cert
How to create a new self-signed SSL cert in sftp gateway
Note: This cert is not a Trusted CA Signed SSL certificate, so web browsers will not consider the website certificate to be valid. You will still see warning messages that the certificate is Not Trusted when navigating to the Web Admin UI. If you would like to install a valid certificate you can use LetsEncrypt or GoDaddy.
Use the following command to SSH into the VM:
ssh -i private.key azureuser@<ip-address> -p 2222
Next, elevate your privileges to root with the command:
sudo su
Then, change directories to /etc/nginx/ssl and run the command to install the self-signed SSL cert:
cd /etc/nginx/ssl
openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout website.key -out website.bundle.crt -extensions server_extension -config self-signed-ssl.cnf
If you list your files you will now see the self-signed SSL cert, the website cert and the website key.